Beyond the Secret Elephants is Gareth Patterson’s long-awaited sequel to The Secret Elephants, published in 2009.Beyond the Secret Elephants is the continuing story of Gareth Patterson’s almost two decades of research into the secretive Knysna...

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In the Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon game, the player will be transformed into one of 20 Pokemon as they set out on an adventure in a world inhabited solely by the 720 discovered Pokemon. This game boasts hours of replay-ability as each dungeon is...

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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky is the newest installment in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon video game series. The game expands on the fun found in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of...

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When Skye Denison's brother forms a band called Pink Elephant, the town goes wild-maybe too wild. First, a groupie turns stalker, seducing the band members one by one. Then, one of the Pink Elephants winds up murdered. Who's to blame? Everyone...

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A classic Hercule Poirot investigation, Agatha Christie’s Elephants Can Remember has the expert detective delving into an unsolved crime from the past involving the strange death of a husband and wife.Hercule Poirot stood on the clifftop. Here,...

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The Queen of Mystery has come to Harper Collins! Agatha Christie, the acknowledged mistress of suspense—creator of indomitable sleuth Miss Marple, meticulous Belgian detective Hercule Poirot, and so many other unforgettable characters—brings...

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