ELEPHANT ROBOTICS Robotic Arm myCobot 280 with Raspberry Pi 4& Flat Base, Open Source 6-DOF Robot Arm, Collaborative Desktop Coding Robot, Education ROS Robot Arms for Programming Learning

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?Raspberry Pi Robot Arm?This robotic arm has a built-in Raspberry Pi 4 chip to create a perfect programmable robot. The Raspberry Pi ecosystem is a more convenient robotic arm to develop various micro-embedded devices & robotics kit.
?Flexible & Intelligent Robotic Arm?The smallest open source 6dof robot arm with strong flexibility, easy portability, learning to robot easier for table robotic arm.
?Myblockly Programming & Industrial ROS?Robotic arm supports a variety of functional module systems of ROS, as well as a series of open-source LINUX ecosystems, Python driver libraries, extensible interfaces, etc (robots for adults)
?Coding Robot?Raspberry Pi robotic arm supports dragging and audition teaching, recording, and saving the track, for beginners and makers to learn desk robot.
?Economic & Practical Robotic Arm?Robotic arm has a variety of software interaction methods and extended interfaces, you can realize your creation on myCobot robot arm. And it can become your desktop robotic arm.
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