When Ant Turns Elephant: An Insight Into Inner Evolution
This book provides insight into your own actions and intentions through poetic storytelling. It may stir emotions in the beginning, but the purpose is to bring awareness to what you don’t like and to improve and accept yourself. This acceptance will bring happiness, confidence, self-belief, fulfillment, money, opportunities, healthy relationships, and in many cases– PURPOSE!Sounds counter-intuitive, right? It’s very intuitive and simple, honestly! If your actions align with your values, you’ll experience happiness and motivation to do well for yourself. If you don’t know your value or if you have values based on false information, you’ll experience confusion about what you want and where your future is headed. Confusion about life leads down a long path of fighting the same battles; having the same worries, and making the same mistakes. You may feel as if life happens to you instead of life happening for you. I call this hell.However, some passages in this book bring awareness of who you really are. Perhaps life has beaten you up so many times that you forgot how powerful, smart, precious, and worthy you truly are. I am simply reminding you.To get the most out of this transformation, read and use this book. As you read these passages, imagine the story is about you and your life. After reading each passage, answer the three following questions. I recommend writing your answers directly in the book.