How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety: And Abstinence, Drugs, Satanism, and Other Dangers That Threaten Their Nine Lives

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GENUINE HEPA TOXIN CLEAR REPLACEMENT FILTER: Our Toxin Clear HEPA Replacement Filter is specially engineered and treated to effectively filter your air of common VOCs that are frequently emitted by household cleaning products, furniture, and building materials. Our HEPA filter is designed to capture 99.97% of particles as small as 0.1 micron, while providing exceptional efficiency in filtering harmful germs, dust, pollen, mold spores, and other allergens.
CERTIFIED EXTRA: With over 125 pleats and 8.0 square feet of filter media surface area, FLT4825VO ToxinClear filter is OVER 3X MORE EFFECTIVE at removing the harmful gases found in everyday byproducts such as such as Ammonia, Toluene, and Formaldehyde* than the original HEPA Filter.
REDUCES ODORS: The activated carbon pre-filter and additional carbon embedded in the HEPA filter media increase the odor-removing power and reduce unwanted common household odors, toxins, and large dust particles, while extending the lifespan of the HEPA filter.
PURER PARTS, PURER AIR: Genuine Germ Guardian replacement filters offer certified fit and maximum filtration. Off-brand filters often fail HEPA testing standards, fit incorrectly, reduce efficacy, and may cause damage to the air purifier.
REFRESH TO IMPRESS: We recommend replacing one single combination filter every 6 months depending on the use of the product. The carbon layer, FLT22CB4, can be replaced every 2-3 months to help reduce common VOC odors and extend filter life.
COMPATIBLE WITH: Germ Guardian Air Purifier Models: AC4300, AC4900, AC4825, AC4850PT, CDAP4500, AC4870, AP2200, BXAP148
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